Bluewater Cloggers


Since 1999 Cliff Trudgen has been hard at work to teach clogging to all who came.

Formerly the Closet Cloggers, The Bluewater Cloggers came up out of the

waters to dance in 2001.

We dance Wednesday nights with the beginners dance at 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm, our intermediate students dance from 7:00pm to 8:00pm and intermediate/advanced students from 8:00 pm to 8:45 pm


Bluewater Cloggers is a group of folks in the Sarnia area who gather weekly to learn new songs and new steps.

They are a very friendly and fun loving group that performs for different groups in the area: senior homes, churches, and service clubs. They also do demos in the city’s parks for the public. New dancers always welcome. All ages.

Country Ridge Cloggers is also owned By Cliff. It meets in Ridgetown Ontario with generally the same type of folks and we get together from time to time.


Blue Water Cloggers of Sarnia, ON  Canada




Beginner classes 6PM

Intermediate  7PM

Int./Adv.  8PM

Dancing in Sarnia at Lansdowne Public School

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To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more DANCE to it.   ~ Osho