Who is iClog?
Who is iClog?
“My only regret is that I didn’t find clogging earlier in life!” The mother of seven children - three accomplished cloggers - Joyce has been dancing since 1997. She is CCI (Certified Clogging Instructor) certified through C.L.O.G., the national clogging organization.
A graduate of the University of Florida (Go, Gators!), Joyce spent some interesting years as a trauma nurse. She set aside her stethoscope to raise and homeschool her children. She is involved with three nonprofit organizations, which keep her busy with teen safe driving, education, community service, organ donation, faith-based initiatives and clogging:-)
Joyce is Vice President and Co-Dance Instructor with Blue Ridge Thunder Cloggers (VA). She guided the organization through incorporation and helped to secure its nonprofit status. She was pleased to coordinate fundraising and trip planning for BRTC to go to Ireland. A dreamer at heart, she is always coming up with ideas for the group; some are met with enthusiasm - to her delight:-)
Joyce loves choreography and enjoys web design. She is a Mac enthusiast. She has created free websites for numerous clogging groups to help clogging come into the 21st century:-) It is her goal to maintain a website that keeps a comprehensive and current list of clogging groups and workshops. Hopefully, this will be of help to the clogging community and to people searching for cloggers on the Web. iClog is her gift to the clogging community.
Name: Joyce Guthrie
Clogs With: BRTC
Owner: iClog
Nonprofit Work
Joys In Clogging
I love being involved with my children. I could not be on their swim teams or soccer teams, so I was thrilled that I could clog with my girls.
We’ve made great friends and spent many hours dancing together. They are far better dancers than I will ever be.
It is a joy to watch them dance. My youngest daughter won the overall amateur female soloist award at the World of Clogging Championships in Ohio (2009). It was so much fun to share her joy!
Clogging has also given me a creative outlet that I longed for. I always wanted to choreograph and never thought that dream would come true. Now I am the co-instructor and choreographer for BRTC...What a privilege!
Our Idea Person